:: krowemoh

Monday | 10 FEB 2025
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Sharp Edges


I have 2 very sharp edges in 2 different programs. The first one is in my editor and it has to do with long lines and backspace. In certain sporadic cases, my editor loses track of the line number and gets into an infinite loop. This has already bit be a couple times and I lost some data. My solution is to break out into the debugger and manually set the line to 1 and then continue in my editor. This lets me exit out properly and come back in without issue.

However an editor that loses your data is absolute trash so this is a major issue. The only reason I haven't dealt with it yet is because it only comes into play when I'm writing a blog post. Regular code is almost always shorter than my width and so I don't have this issue. I'm sure it would trigger there as well but I haven't given it the chance.

The other major sharp point and this one is less sharp is my templating language both sucks cause it's slow but it also sucks because it isn't correct. I know how to make it correct but I don't know how to do it properly. I don't parse things out properly and so there are weird places where my language should accept expressions but doesn't. For example the OPEN statement requires the dictionary part of it to be a string or an expression with no spaces. This is because I split on spaces for tokens instead of processing the tokens properly. It works but it's definitely incorrect.

I also can't get my templating language out of my head. There is a good idea in there but I don't have the skill to bring it out unfortunately. It's not often but it happens where I can feel the difference between where I am and where I want to be.