After forgetting all the little shortcuts I've made for this blog, I figure it's time to document it so that I can actually use these things.
Ctrl Shift V
will let me paste in screenshots into EVA. The explanation can be found here. Basically it uses a script to send the clipboard to the server and then creates a shortcode.
Tags can be referenced:
I have multiple ways to handle links:
[The usual](Link)
I can also use the markdown file name when creating links.
I can also add notes with a date:
#note,date, I want to have reproducible systems but I don't think Nix is what I want. I can't manage system packages with home-manager, and I like stow more than home-manager right now. My use case is simple so stow is perfect. I also see a few different declarative systems that can be used in Arch so that might be more my speed.
This is all on one line.
A quick way to give a header to warn readers about something:
<div style="background-color: pink;padding:30px;">
Unfinished and likely to change.