Some notes from 2022. Not sure where I got these commands from.
The EDITOR can be called with the following formats:
ED (file and record id's will be prompted)
ED file (record id's will be prompted)
ED file id (edit the record 'id' in 'file')
ED file id id... (edit multiple id's in 'file')
ED file * (edit all records in 'file')
SELECT ... (may precede 'ED file' command)
Special ASCII characters may be entered as:
...^nnn... where nnn is the decimal character code
...^^... will enter a single UP ARROW character.
An Editor command ending with a '?' will be placed on the command stack,
but will not be executed.
The following commands may be used in the Editor:
A - Do the last 'A any' (APPEND) command again.
A any - APPEND 'any' to this line.
ABORT - Toggle command execution ABORT between ON and OFF.
B - Set the current line pointer to the BOTTOM line.
B any - BREAK the current line after 'any' into two lines.
BLOCK - Toggle BLOCK operation verification between ON and OFF.
C - Do the last 'CHANGE' command again.
C/// - CHANGE one or more lines. formats permitted are:
C/from/to C/from/to/#
C/from/to/G C/from/to/#G C/from/to/G#
C/from/to/B C/from/to/BG C/from/to/GB
where / - is any delimiter character.
from - is the character string to be replaced.
to - is the character string to substitute.
# - is the number of lines to CHANGE. (The default is one)
G - is the letter 'G' (global) CHANGE all instances in line.
B - is the letter 'B', CHANGE all lines in the defined BLOCK.
CASE - Toggle CASE mode between ON and OFF. When CASE is ON,
input will remain in the case as typed. When CASE is OFF,
input will be UPCASEd for case insensitivity support.
TCL CASE insensitivity must be ON to use CASE.
CAT any - CONCATENATE the next line onto the current line, separated by
COL - Display relative COLUMN POSITIONS on the CRT.
COPY - COPY a BLOCK (see '<' and '>' ), source block is unchanged.
D - DELETE the current line.
D# - DELETE '#' lines starting with the current line.
DE - DELETE the current line.
DE# - DELETE '#' lines starting with the current line.
DELETE - DELETE the entire record from the FILE.
DROP - DROP (DELETE) all lines in the defined BLOCK (see '<' and '>' ).
DUP - DUPLICATE the current line.
DUP# - DUPLICATE the current line '#' times.
EX - EXIT the editor (same as QUIT).
F - Do the last 'FIND' command again.
F any - FIND the next line that starts with the string 'any'.
F# any - FIND the next line that contains the string 'any' starting in
column '#'.
FANCY.FORMAT - Format an BASIC program to show logical structure by
indenting. This command is similar to the FORMAT command except
that it handles comments and labels differently.
FD - Delete the entire record from the file (same as DELETE).
FI - FILE the record (same as FILE).
FILE - FILE the record under the originally specified name.
FILE name - FILE the record under the specified 'name'.
FILE f name - FILE record 'name' in file 'f'.
FORMAT - FORMAT an BASIC program to show logical structure by
G# - GO TO line '#' (set line pointer to line '#'; 'G' is optional).
G< - GO TO line defined by the beginning of the current BLOCK.
G> - GO TO line defined by the end of the current BLOCK.
HELP - Prompt user to display HELP information on the CRT.
HELP any - Display HELP information on CRT for 'any'.
I - INSERT new lines AFTER the current line. Prompt for successive
lines of INPUT until NULL input. An INPUT line of a single space
will store a NULL line.
IB - INSERT new lines BEFORE the current line. Prompt for successive
lines of INPUT until NULL input. An INPUT line of a single space
will store a NULL line.
I any - INSERT (INPUT) the line 'any' AFTER the current line.
IB any - INSERT (INPUT) the line 'any' BEFORE the current line.
L - Do the last 'LOCATE' command again.
L any - LOCATE the next line that contains the string 'any'.
L# - LIST '#' lines starting with the current line on to the CRT.
LOAD name - LOAD the record 'name' from the current FILE; line #'s will be
LOAD f name - LOAD the record 'name' from file 'f'; line #'s will be prompted.
M - Do the last 'MATCH' command again.
M any - Search for next line that MATCHES the pattern 'any'.
MOVE - MOVE a BLOCK (see '<' and '>' ); source block is deleted.
N - Go on to next selected record; used when SELECT list is active.
OOPS - RESTORE the record to the condition prior to the last change.
P - PRINT on CRT the same number of lines specified with last 'P#'.
P# - PRINT on CRT '#' lines starting with the current line.
PB - PRINT on CRT all lines in the defined BLOCK (see '<' and '>' ).
PE - The PE command allows a user to execute any legal PERFORM
command from within the editor. Upon completion of the command,
control will be returned to the editor.
PERFORM - The PERFORM command allows a user to execute any legal PERFORM
command from within the editor. Upon completion of the command,
control will be returned to the editor.
PL# - PRINT the current line and the next '#' lines; do not change the
current line pointer.
PL-# - PRINT the current line and the prior '#' lines; do not change
the current line pointer.
PO# - POSITION current line pointer to line '#' ('PO' is optional).
PP# - PAGE.PRINT a window of '#' lines around the current line; do not
change the current line pointer.
Q - QUIT - EXIT the editor.
QUIT - QUIT - EXIT the editor.
R - Do the last 'REPLACE' (R any) command again.
R any - REPLACE this line with 'any'.
R/// - CHANGE one or more lines (same as C/// command.)
RELEASE - RELEASE the update record LOCK for this file.
SAVE - SAVE (FILE) a copy of this record under the original name.
SAVE name - SAVE (FILE) a copy of this record under the specified 'name'.
SAVE f name - SAVE (FILE) a copy of this record as record 'name' in file 'f'.
SEQ/// - Generate SEQUENTIAL numbers. Formats permitted are:
SEQ/from/start/# SEQ/from/start/#/inc
where / - is any delimiter character.
from - is the optional character string to replace.
start - is the starting sequential number.
# - is the number of lines to SEQUENCE, or the letter 'B'
(sequence in defined BLOCK).
inc - is the optional increment (default is one).
SIZE - Display the SIZE of this record (# of LINES/FIELDS, # of BYTES).
SPOOL - SPOOL entire record to PRINTER.
SPOOL# - SPOOL '#' lines to the PRINTER.
SPOOLHELP - SPOOL the HELP listing to the default PRINTER.
STAMP - INSERT a 'last modified' stamp into the record, which begins
with a '*' (for BASIC 'comment'), and contains the account
name, LOGIN name (if different from account name), date and
time. Used to mark when record was last changed.
T - Set current line to the TOP (before first line).
UNLOAD name - UNLOAD to record 'name' in this FILE; line #'s are prompted.
UNLOAD f name- UNLOAD to record 'name' in file 'f'; line #'s are prompted.
X - EXIT (QUIT) from the editor and abandon an active SELECT list.
XEQ - The XEQ command allows a user to execute any legal PERFORM
command from within the editor. Upon completion of the command,
control will be returned back to the editor.
.A# any - Append 'any' to stack command '#'. The default for '#' is 1.
.C#/s1/s2 - CHANGE string 's1' to string 's2' in stack command '#'. The
default for '#' is 1. '/' is any delimiter character.
.D# - DELETE stack command '#'. The default for '#' is 1.
.D name - DELETE pre-stored command record 'name' from file '&ED&'.
.D f name - DELETE pre-stored command record 'name' from file 'f'.
.I# - Prompt for successive command lines to INSERT at stack command
'#' until null input. '#' defaults to 1.
.I# any - INSERT (INPUT) 'any' at command stack '#'. '#' defaults to 1.
.L# - LIST, on the CRT, the last '#' commands in the command stack.
'#' defaults to 9.
.L name - LIST, on the CRT, the pre-stored command string in record 'name'
in file '&ED&'.
.L f name - LIST, on the CRT, the pre-stored command string in record 'name'
in file 'f'.
.L f * - LIST, on the CRT, the names of the pre-stored command records in
file 'f'. 'f' defaults to '&ED&'.
.R# - RECALL command '#' to stack position 1 (moves command '#', does
not copy it).
.R name - RECALL pre-stored command record 'name' to the stack.
.R f name - RECALL pre-stored command record 'name' in file 'f' to the
.S# name - SAVE commands, starting with command '#' and ending with command
1 in the stack, in record 'name' in file '&ED&'.
.S# f name - SAVE commands, starting with command '#' and ending with command
1 in the stack, in record 'name' in file 'f'.
.S n s#,e# - SAVE commands starting with command 's#' and ending with command
'e#' in the stack, in record 'n' in file '&ED&'. For example,
'.S n 4,2' saves three commands, with stack command #4 becoming
pre-stored command #1, in record 'n' in file '&ED&'.
.S f n s#,e# - SAVE commands starting with command 's#' and ending with command
'e#' in the stack, in record 'n' in file 'f'. For example,
'.S n 4,2' saves three commands, with stack command #4 becoming
pre-stored command #1, in record 'n' in file 'f'.
.X# - EXECUTE stack command '#' and put it in stack position 1.
.X name - EXECUTE the pre-stored commands in record 'name' in file '&ED&'.
.X f name - EXECUTE the pre-stored commands in record 'name' in file 'f'.
.XK - EXECUTE KILL. This command ABORTs a pre-stored command string
after execution is suspended by a PAUSE command.
.XR - EXECUTE RESUME. This command RESTARTs a pre-stored command
string after execution is suspended by a PAUSE command.
PAUSE - Is a pre-stored command string command (i.e. It is valid only
within the pre-stored command string itself) that suspends
command execution when encountered. A '.XR' command restarts
execution and a '.XK' command aborts execution.
LOOP #1 #2 - Is a pre-stored command string command (i.e. It is valid only
within the pre-stored command string itself) that repeats the
sequence of commands beginning with command '#1' and ending with
the LOOP command itself, for '#2' iterations. Both '#1' and '#2'
default to 1.
+# - Advance current line POINTER by '#' lines.
-# - Back up current line POINTER by '#' lines.
# - Set the current line POINTER to the '#' line.
< - Define the first line of a BLOCK (for COPY/CHANGE/DROP/MOVE/PB).
> - Define the last line of a BLOCK (for COPY/CHANGE/DROP/MOVE/PB).
<> - Define first and last line of a BLOCK (for COPY/CHANGE/DROP/
^ - Switch UP ARROW on/off to display non-printing characters as
^nnn where nnn is the decimal equivalent of ASCII code.
? - PRINT key parameters on the CRT.